How to Become a Catholic Christian
I am not baptized. How can I find out more about being baptized?
We invite you to call Father Bries (563-252-1247) and arrange a meeting in which he can answer your questions.
Is there a period of preparation?
If you desire to continue and you are not yet baptized, you will be invited to consider a commitment in a period of formation and instruction called the catechumenate. During the catechumenate, you will participate in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass each Sunday, learn faith sharing with the Bible, practice works of mercy and love for others and over a period of time come to discover the full meaning of Catholic life and belief.
How do I begin the initiation process?
After you have spent time in the catechumen ate, you and your Catholic leaders will determine your readiness for initiation. If you are ready, the next step will be an invitation to celebrate the Rite of Election for the Sacraments of Initiation. In this liturgy, the Archbishop calls you to prepare for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. During the season of Lent, the parish community will journey with you in prayer for initiation.
When would I be baptized?
Baptism is one of the three sacraments of initiation. Every year, the night before Easter, the parish solemnly celebrates the three sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion at the Vigil Mass of Easter. Holy Communion will be the final act of initiation and can be repeated every day.
What happens after baptism?
Following your initiation after Easter, we will invite you to continue participating in Mass on Sunday, to receive holy Communion regularly, to do faith sharing with the Bible, to do works of charity and mercy, and to be open for concentrated instructions on your experience with the sacraments. You will be among your new Catholic friends in these works. You will continue to learn about the sacramental life of Catholics by experience.
What if I am baptized in another Christian tradition?
If you come to the Church as a baptized person from other Christian faith traditions (for example, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc.) you might not need to do the total process described above. A conversation with Father Bries will help you to determine what the process will be for you
Thank you for considering the Catholic Church. We welcome you to join us on Sunday. Come and see who we are.
Thank you for considering the Catholic Church. We welcome you to join us on Sunday. Come and see who we are.